If you have been requested to have a physical exam in San Diego, you might be wondering what this kind of exam is and why you are required to have one. A physical exam is actually quite common in order for someone to fill certain positions, whether that be in sports or in the labor force. Also, there are many schools and other institutions that require someone is medically cleared before being admitted. On a high level, a physical exam must be completed by a physician to ensure that you do not have any medical issues and that you are in good health. The doctor at our walk-in clinic will provide you with a written document of his findings and let you know whether you are eligible to move forward with your respective activity: school, sports, employment opportunity, childcare provider, etc. If you are looking for a doctor to get a physical exam in San Diego look no further! Medical Care San Diego is here to help! Call us today to schedule an appointment! 858-412-6066

Visit us for physical exams in San Diego, CA
While many people may find it tedious or unnecessary to get a physical exam for common activities such as entering a new school, starting a new sport or working at a new job, it can actually serve as a golden opportunity for you to stay current on your health. The typical appointment at this walk-in clinic will last approximately forty-five minutes, during which time you have an opportunity to talk with a board-certified physician with 20 plus years of medical and surgical experience. During this time, you can ask him any questions that you have about your health, including bringing up any concerns you have. No question, small or big, is silly. Dr. Mann wants to help make your experience at our San Diego walk-in clinic a comprehensive and holistic one, where you leave feeling healthy and knowledgeable about your health. It is our intention to help provide you with all the necessary information and tools to maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout your whole life. If there is a serious situation that must be addressed, he can also treat you at his walk-in clinic or refer you to the appropriate specialist.
Walk-ins welcome! 7634 Girard Ave Suite A • La Jolla, CA
Call us today to set up an appointment! (858) 412-6066
Everything you need to know about the #1 physical exam in San Diego:
During your physical exam, your physician, Dr. Mann, will take your blood pressure, temperature, weight, and height, listen to your heart, and take several other vitals he believes are relevant to ensure everything is working correctly. The physician will carefully record all of the information he learns during this process. Dr. Mann will then ask you various health history questions including but not limited to: allergies, family history of certain illnesses, vaccination status, and lifestyle behaviors like smoking, excessive alcohol use, sexual health, diet, and exercise. Additionally, Dr. Mann will perform exams he believes are relevant, including but not limited to: general appearance exam, heart exam, lung exam, head and neck exam, abdominal exam, neurological exam, dermatological exam, extremities exam, and a male or female physical exam.
Throughout the physical exam process, the physician will allow you to mention any concerns or questions you might have regarding your health. Another important aspect of the physical exam at our walk-in clinic is the opportunity to refocus your attention on prevention and screening and healthy living as part of our holistic care for patients. Dr. Mann will speak to you about the importance and, benefits and risk of regular screenings. Dr. Mann will also speak to you about healthy behaviors and daily practices for preventing illness, ranging from health eating, exercise, vitamin supplement regimes, and much more.