medical clearance for surgery san diego

Why Medical Clearance for Surgery is Important

Medical clearance means your primary care physician or other medical professional has given you a physical examination and determined you’re healthy enough to engage in a particular activity or medical procedure. For example, some people may need medical clearances to participate in sports or other physically-challenging activities. That way, the person or organization sponsoring these activities won’t be held liable if the participant suffers a health condition during their performance. Give us a call to schedule your appointment for medical clearance for surgery: (858) 412-6066

Learn More About Medical Clearance for Surgery

medical clearance for surgery is importantAs for surgical procedures, the same concept applies. A surgeon will require medical clearance from the patient’s primary care physician before performing a surgical procedure on the patient. Then, the surgeon can have the reassurance that their patient is healthy enough to undergo the surgical procedure with minimal risk to their health and wellness.

In most scenarios, the surgeon will request an authorization form from the patient’s primary care physician. The authorization form gives medical clearance to the patient to undergo the particular type of surgery that will be performed on them. Of course, the physician must first conduct a special physical health evaluation on the patient before they can give clearance to them.

Medical clearances are necessary whether you need cosmetic or medical surgery. Since all surgeries have some level of risk to the patient, your doctor must evaluate your existing medical conditions, disabilities, and current medications you take. All this information is vital to determine if you’re healthy enough to undergo the procedure with a minimal chance of dying or suffering harm.

Addressing Risk Factors

Medical clearances may not be necessary if a patient has a clean bill of health with no underlying diseases or health conditions. However, if the patient has diseases or conditions that increase their risk from surgery, the risk factors must be addressed before receiving medical clearance.

For example, a primary care physician may refer their patient to a cardiologist if they discover the patient has unusual heartbeat patterns or other heart issues from the general physical examination. From there, the cardiologist would conduct a more thorough heart examination and provide whatever treatment is necessary to control the condition.

The ACS NSQIP (American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program) offers a free online surgical risk calculator for surgeons and primary care physicians to evaluate their patient’s health risks for surgery. If there are doubts or scepticism about whether the patient is healthy enough for surgery, they should be discussed directly between the physician and surgeon. The outside specialist may want to get involved in these discussions too.

It may turn out that a high-risk patient won’t be eligible for a particular surgical procedure. If that is the case, alternative medical procedures and treatments can be recommended which are more accommodating to the patient’s health status.

Seek Medical Clearance For Surgery in San Diego

Are you seeking medical clearance for a particular surgical procedure in San Diego? Medical Care San Diego has a team of medical professionals and physicians who can evaluate your health and determine if you’re healthy enough for the surgery. If we find you are healthy enough, we’ll sign the authorization form clearing you for surgery and send it to your surgeon.

Call us at (858) 412-6066 to learn more about medical clearance for surgery and to schedule your appointment.

Balancing Your Health with Your Studies

As a college student, it can often be difficult balancing your studies with your social and personal commitments. Sometimes, you might even have to sacrifice a good night’s sleep or a day out with friends in order to satisfy your seemingly endless obligations.

The importance of developing healthy habits early in life, however, cannot be understated. Although sacrifices must sometimes be made, it is imperative that you find a balance between your obligations that allows you to live a fulfilled, healthy life while still pursuing your personal, professional, and academic goals.

A Healthy Diet

Face it. Sometimes it can seem like you not only lack time to eat healthy, but lack time to eat altogether. Eating healthy and eating conveniently, however, do not have to be mutually exclusive. Eating healthy is the first step to living a healthy lifestyle. You will want to always follow a healthy lifestyle in order to avoid regular visits to a local urgent care near you.

A healthy diet consists of fresh, minimally-processed foods that offer you a balanced array of fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains, dairies, and other foods. Although most people stand to benefit from tracking their caloric and nutritional intake,

It is also important to avoid skipping meals. As a student, managing daily classes with homework, work, and a social life in between can leave you with little time for much else. To avoid missing meals throughout your school or work day, we suggest meal preparation over the weekend. On Sunday, before your week begins, prepare a large dish of your favorite healthy meal and portion it out into containers – one for each day of your school and work week. Easy meals to prepare include a serving of whole wheat pasta tossed with olive oil and a side of vegetables, fresh vegetables and crackers paired with hummus dip, or pre-portioned dry smoothie ingredients such as fruit and spinach that can be blended quickly with juice or almond milk to drink on your way to class.

Regular Exercise

Along with sleep and diet, consistent exercise is one crucial key to overall mental and physical health.  The Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 75-150 minutes of dedicated aerobic exercise per week, supplemented by strength training or other anaerobic activities. Although it can be difficult finding time to work out amidst a packed schedule, we recommend exercising at a consistent time every week to help you build healthy habits. Finally, we suggest choosing healthier options throughout the week, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, to help supplement your weekly exercise.

Get The Right Amount Of Sleep:

As a college student, sleeping consistently is sometimes not your top priority. On top of writing papers, studying for exams, working, and balancing your social life, sleep can seem almost unattainable. Getting a good night’s sleep, however, will improve your stamina and keep your mind alert during the day. Experts recommend that college students should have 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Although that might seem impossible, sleeping consistently each night will help you build healthy, easy-to-maintain habits that will positively benefit your personal, professional, and academic life. Before going to bed, we recommend fasting for at least an hour and minimizing electronic distractions, such as your phone and TV, for at least fifteen minutes before closing your eyes. Some people find that exercising before an hour or two before bedtime helps them fall asleep, while others find that a hot cup of decaffeinated tea or calming music does the trick. The key is finding a routine that fits your life, and sticking to it.

Take measures to help prevent illness:

Sharing classrooms and public spaces with thousands of other students makes your campus a hotspot of illness, especially during flu season. We recommend catching up on all immunizations if you haven’t already, as well as receiving the yearly flu shot. It is also imperative that you wash your hands regularly, particularly after using a shared space such as public transportation.

Drink Plenty Of Fluid:

Drinking enough fluids, especially water, is an important aspect of healthy living. Studies show that water loss by as little as 1-2% of body weight can negatively affect attention, mood, and athletic performance. For reference, dehydration of around 1% can initiate the sensation of thirst.

Invest in a reusable water bottle that you can comfortably carry and refill every day. An insulated bottle will help keep your water cold or your tea warm no matter the weather. Whichever bottle you use, just make sure that you are drinking enough fluids to help keep you focused, productive, and healthy throughout the day!

If You Smoke, Quit – If You Don’t Smoke, Don’t Start!

You have likely heard the phrase, “Everything is OK in moderation.” While this holds a semblance of truth for some indulgences, such as the occasional sweet treat, light or intermittent smoking are as much a health hazard as regular smoking. “Social smoking,” as some call it, increases the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, premature death, cataracts, and cancer while sometimes contributing to slower recovery from musculoskeletal injuries and general decreases in your health-related quality of life. Although occasional smoking is less hazardous than regular smoking, it still poses a significant and unnecessary health risk.

If you smoke at all, whether it be a regular habit or only several times per year, consider quitting smoking. Your physician, university’s student health services, or local health authority likely have resources to help you quit smoking altogether. Do not be afraid to seek these resources, and do not feel embarrassed for using them — they are for your own benefit.

Take Some Time To Relax:

Stress is a compounding issue that can cause a variety of mental and physical health issues, including anxiety, fatigue, headaches, aches and pain, and digestive upset. Develop and maintain a comfortable school, exercise, and sleep routine that fit with your life and your goals. You might find that you no longer have to “make time” for stress-reducing activities, like exercise or meditation — they are built into your schedule.

If you find that stress or anxiety are influencing your quality of life, such as preventing you from sleeping or doing other normal activities, then we strongly suggest scheduling an appointment with your healthcare provider or university’s psychological health department. Remember, there is no need to be afraid or embarrassed to seek help — it is for your own benefit. Learning to manage your stress early is imperative to reducing its toll on your quality of life. Your physician, counselor, or psychologist can make a plan with you to manage your stress as well as seek additional treatment as needed before it affects your academic, professional, and personal life.

If you are a student in college or university, you should always have an urgent care facility nearby in case of any medical emergency. We encourage you to visit Medical Care San Diego if you are looking for an urgent care near UCSD!

Best Urgent Care UCSD

At different times of life you are going to experience different illnesses and health concerns. If you are a college student at UCSD or have kids away at college you might be wondering, what are the most common reasons college students seek urgent care near UCSD? Keep reading below for more information. We are now offering a Student Special; Only $150.00 with a valid student ID!

A study conducted by UCSC found that college students most commonly go to Urgent Care UCSD for a wide range of symptoms and issues, including:

  • Respiratory infections
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Emergency and non-emergency contraception
  • Skin rashes
  • Urinary tract infections (UTI)
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety, depression, and related emotional troubles
  • Injuries
  • Eating disorders
  • Allergies

Allow us to explain in greater detail the most common reasons we treat college students:

6 Most Common Reasons College Students Go To Urgent Care UCSD

  1. Respiratory Infections

A respiratory infection can make you feel really sick, although not usually sick enough to require a trip to the emergency room. In some cases a respiratory infection can be treated at home, healing with proper rest, fluids and nutrition. If symptoms are unbearable or continue to persist, you should visit Urgent Medical Center.

Symptoms of respiratory infections include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Sinus pain
  • Earaches
  • Temperature of 100 degrees F or higher
  1. Contraception & STD Testing

College students are enjoying their first years of real freedom, out of the house and in their own living quarters. It’s no secret that college kids often experiment sexually; students often visit our urgent care in search of contraceptive measures and STD tests.

  1. Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea

College puts students under a great deal of change, including eating habits, exposures, and day-to-day stresses.  At college it’s not hard to catch an illness. Since nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are signs of many different illnesses, from food poisoning to hangovers, college students are often concerned about the cause of their illness. When these symptoms continue over a period of time they can lead to dehydration, in which case medical attention is important to prevent further sickness due to dehydration.

  1. Fatigue

College students don’t always get enough sleep or practice the best eating habits, and while college is fun, it can be stressful too. All of these factors can contribute to severe fatigue. Constantly feeling tired might have to do with the regular day-to-day life of being a college student, but it might also have to do with something more serious. College students suffering from fatigue often visit our urgent care to ensure an underlying condition, such as mononucleosis or anemia is not to blame. If there are no obvious causes for your newly onset fatigue, it’s always best to consult with a doctor.

  1. Physical Injuries

urgent care UCSDCollege sports require students to push themselves to the limits, which is why we see many students with overuse injuries come to Urgent Care UCSD. Overuse injuries are usually slow to start, a faint pain that worsens each time you do the same activity. If you do notice this happening, it’s best to take a break and seek medical attention so that you do not risk a serious or chronic injury.

Sports, or simply roughhousing around the dorm, can cause unexpected injuries that require urgent medical attention.

Signs college students should visit Urgent Care for an injury include:

  • Pain that debilitates a certain limb or body part
  • Large cut or wound that continues to bleed
  • Open wounds at risk for infection– all wounds can become dirty and infected, and require proper cleaning and care.
  • Pain accompanied by fever
  • Signs of infection, including swelling, redness and/or swollen pustules
  1. The Meningococcal Vaccine

Before starting school, all college students should get the Meningococcal vaccine, especially if a student plans to live in the dorms. The meningococcal vaccine protects against four different strains of bacteria, all of which cause meningococcal disease. A disease that impacts the brain, blood, and spinal cord—parts of the body you certainly don’t want to take any risks. 1 in 10 people infected by this disease will die, and lasting problems such as brain damage or hearing loss are possible. In other words this vaccine is incredibly important, and should be one of the leading reasons college students come to our Urgent Care UCSD.

Best Urgent Care Near UCSD

Medical Care San Diego

(858) 412-6066

7634 Girard Ave Suite C – La Jolla, CA 92037


How to Treat a Spider Bite

Spiders are beneficial creatures — they are vital in controlling the general insect population in a given area. While most spiders try to avoid humans, sometimes you can’t avoid crossing paths. If a spider feels threatened, even if unintentionally, it may bite in order to defend itself. In most cases, a spider bite isn’t anything to worry about, but there are a few dangerous species that require treatment. If you experience a spider bite in San Diego, Medical Care San Diego is here to help. Keep reading to learn more about spider bite symptoms, how to treat spider bites, and when to see a doctor.

Symptoms of a Spider Bite

Spider bite symptoms vary depending on the species of spider and the location of the bite. Symptoms range from mild pain to more severe complications, such as neurological dysfunction.

In general, spider bite symptoms include:

  • Pain, redness and swelling around the bite area
  • Blistering or bump formation over the bite area

In many cases, the bite won’t look much different from a typical bug bite. Bites presenting with the above symptoms are usually harmless and do not require attention from a doctor unless your symptoms worsen or otherwise persist for over a week.

Bites from venomous spiders have an additional set of symptoms that are typically more severe than those of most spiders. Certain venomous species, such as black widows, produce bites with powerful and painful symptoms that should not be ignored.

spider bite san diego

Seek treatment immediately!

Venomous spiders can produce bites with symptoms such as:

  • Muscle cramps
  • Fever
  • Growing ulcer at the location of the bite
  • Pain that spreads to other body parts
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Nausea
  • Malaise
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Hypertension
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Increased sweating

If you have any of the above symptoms, we strongly recommend that you see a doctor sooner rather than later. Bites from certain spiders can cause permanent damage to your body if not properly treated.

Treating a Spider Bite

Start by cleaning the bite area and applying antibiotic ointment to it. Elevate the area if possible. Over-the-counter pain medications, such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen, are appropriate to use for bites. Seek medical treatment if you are experiencing severe pain or suspect that the bite came from one of the more dangerous spiders. Antivenom may be required in severe cases.

When you visit an urgent care or other medical facility, provide as much information as possible about the bite and about the spider if you happened to catch a glimpse of it. Some spiders look similar to their venomous cousins but don’t produce bites that require professional treatment.

A spider bite is a mild annoyance in most cases, but it’s important not to ignore it if you think you might have encountered  a dangerous spider. The faster you get medical attention, the better chances you have of avoiding serious complications.

Spider Bites That Require Treatment in San Diego

How to treat a spider bite

San Diego is home to many spider species, including the common wolf spider and zipper spider. Most people don’t require treatment for spider bites, as most common species don’t pose a threat to humans. However, brown recluses, black widows, and brown widows are present in this region. These spiders have bites that can cause serious complications, especially if they are not professionally treated. In extreme cases, spider bites can cause permanent damage or death. If you have any of the symptoms above, or if your spider bite symptoms worsen or persist, we recommend seeing a doctor as soon as possible

Did you get bitten by a spider in San Diego and need help? Visit our walk-in clinic, Medical Care San Diego in La Jolla, CA for fast and effective treatment! We are the #1 urgent care in San Diego! Schedule your appointment today!


Medical Care San Diego

(858) 412-6066

7634 Girard Ave Suite C – La Jolla, CA 92037


Tips for Staying Safe at the Beach This Summer

With summer right around the corner, families and friends alike are taking off to the beach for fun and relaxation.  Before loading your car with coolers, sand castle shovels, and beach balls you should take the advice of Dr. Mann, lead physician at the Medical Care San Diego, to ensure your stay healthy and safe.

Dr. Mann’s Advice for a Healthy Day at the Beach

The Sun Can Be Your Friend Or Harm You:

Not only are sunburns extremely painful but they can be a dangerous health risk.  Spending too much time under the harmful rays of the sun can lead to melanoma.  Melanoma is a very dangerous skin cancer growth on the skin caused by the sun or in tanning booths.  It normally resembles moles that are either black or brown but can also be blue, white, red, purple, or pink. An estimated 10,130 people in the United States will die from melanoma annually.  Before heading to the beach, make sure that you purchase a sunscreen lotion that blocks both UVA and UVB rays and has the highest possible SPF.  Should you suffer from allergies or various conditions caused by chemicals, purchase a PABA-free child’s sunscreen.  Melanoma is no laughing matter and all necessary steps to avoid developing it should be taken very seriously.


Do You And Your Children Know How To Swim?

Anyone who goes into the water should know how to swim and children should be accompanied by an adult who can swim.  According to the United States Lifesaving Association, 10 children will drown, 140 will end up in the emergency ward and at least 36 more will be hospitalized.  Dr. Mann strongly believes that children who have minimal swimming abilities should be equipped with swimming fins. It will help your children stay above the water and protect them from strong ocean currents.


Non-Pro Surfers Take Note:

You might be an excellent swimmer and proficient in surfing and body-boarding, but if you do not stay alert and watch out for shore breaking waves you could be dragged into the bottom of a big wave. This can be extremely life-threatening due to injuries to your head if slammed into the sand. Dr. Mann has pointed out that if you are thrown head-first into the sand you can seriously injure your neck and spine causing death or paralysis. Unless you are a pro surfer, you should stay away from areas that have larger shore breaks. If you are new to the area, find out where these areas are and stay away from them. Take it from the pros, if you start to experience a wipeout, cover your face and head with your arms, curl up into a ball, and roll along with the ocean to prevent spinal and head injury.


Stay Away From Piers:

When swimming, stay far away from piers where others may be fishing. If you are a swimmer, you do not want to have a fish hook penetrate into your skin or in your head. These are very serious lacerations that will end your day at the beach and instead put you in the emergency room to have it removed. Also, fishing lines are almost invisible under water, they can catch a swimmer off guard and entangle them in the line very quickly.


Advice Regarding Fishing from a Pier:

If you fish from a pier, you should pay attention to any possible swimmers in the area and show caution. If within earshot, advise swimmers they are roaming into a fishing area and they should move away from the piers. Also, when casting, use an underhand cast vs arching off your back.

These are just a few cautions you should take before heading to the beach. Use common sense, do not wander too far out in the ocean as the waters are very deceiving. You could end up further away from the shore than you thought you were. Lifeguards spend countless hours rescuing people from the ocean, don’t be one of them. And remember to always apply sunscreen!

If you are experiencing an injury or illness in La Jolla Village we are here to help! Medical Care San Diego is the #1 Walk-in Clinic in La Jolla! Come visit us today! No appointment necessary!

Medical Care San Diego

(858) 412-6066

7634 Girard Ave Suite C – La Jolla, CA 92037


Spring Break is Here! Our Urgent Care is Here to Help!

Spring break is finally here folks. You’ve been waiting for what seems like a life time. You have a whole itinerary of fun and exciting things planned out for your friends. What you might not know though, is that somewhere along the way during your adventures, someone is going to get sick from eating a bad burrito, get hurt from falling off their skateboard, end up with a broken bone from hitting the rocks a little hard while surfing or fall ill due to so many other things reasons.  All of a sudden, you might have an urgent care clinic in San Diego as a stop on your itinerary.


What have you got planned?

You are your friends are probably desperate for some fun and relaxation in the sun. San Diego is the perfect place for that!

First, you’re all packed and you’re on your way to your hotel, friends in tow. Among your clothes you’ve packed food, alcohol, books, your guitar (everyone loves some tunes on while relaxing on the beach), and most important of all; deodorant!

You quickly check in with the hotel management and you’re off to the beach to claim a prime spot. It’s a race, the loser has to buy the first round of drinks later and that’s not going to be you.  Time for quick swim in the Pacific and a walk down the sand to check out the “scenery”, and check out some of the beach bars you are going to visit later in the night. It’s beautiful. You toss the football around, attempt to surf, and make friends with the lifeguards.

It’s time to relax back at the hotel for a few hours before the nights festivities begin, you have a laugh, drink a few beers, it’s going to be a great spring break. All your friends are here and it is looking like it is going to be a perfect vacation.

Tomorrow? Surf lessons, jet skiing, and an evening para-glide – it’s going to be INSANE!


What could possibly go wrong?

You were really organized on your trip, you think you packed everything you needed and had the hotel booked for weeks. But you had little consideration to the harm you could come to, on your spring break adventure…

spring break san diego urgent careIn your excitement, you forgot to pack some high SPF sunscreen and ended up getting burnt on your first day, it’s pretty bad and hurts so bad. The friend who said he could cook burgers in the microwave undercooked them and now two of your friends have food poisoning.

Along the way, many of you sustained injuries – one friend twisted his knee while playing volleyball and another smacked his head on a rock while swimming.


Urgent Care Clinics

The thing is, you shouldn’t have to hold back on your fun for fear of what might happen. That’s why it is important to know where your nearest San Diego urgent care clinic is located. The last thing you want to do is waste an entire day at the emergency room waiting to be looked at. For any minor illnesses or injuries sustained during your spring break vacation please visit us at Medical Care San Diego! We are here to help!


7634 Girard Ave Suite A • La Jolla, CA 92037 • (858) 412-6066

Clinic Hours: Monday – Friday: 9 AM – 6 PM | Saturday: 10 AM – 4 PM


Best Urgent Care Near Me in San Diego

best-urgent-care-near-meNo one expects an injury or illness to happen, but due to life’s serious of unfortunate events, it does happen. What you need to know it that in situations like this, it is not necessary for you to spend countless hours at an emergency room waiting to get attended to. On top of that, it can be very expensive going to an ER and it may cause may financial difficulties for you and your family, including long-term debt. Both of these problems can be avoided by visiting family medical care clinics like Medical Care San Diego instead of ERs. These clinics offer excellent urgent care to address many non-life threatening medical issues including treatments for the common cold and flu, infections, large lacerations, blood work, prescriptions and injections.

Have you found yourself going onto Google to search for best urgent care near me? Here are some of the benefits you can expect to receive when you visit an urgent medical care clinic instead of going to the ER:

Looking for “Urgent Care Near Me?”

Walk-Ins Are Welcome:

You do not need an appointment. When you become unexpectedly ill or experience a minor injury you do not have to wait to get into your doctor’s office. These clinics are open for you when you need help. Most urgent care clinics will see patients on a first come first service walk-in basis. And, in most cases, the wait time is extremely minimal. At Medical Care San Diego for example, the typical patient waits no more than 15 minutes to get some face time with the doctor.

Flexible Hours:

The urgent care clinic that is located near you will probably be open when you need them. If you need medical attention after hours, your family doctor is closed or booked up, or it’s the weekend, these clinics are here to help you. Because they have flexible hours, you can go in during off hours or after you return home from work. And, as we mentioned earlier, another plus is that you will not have to wait a long period to see a doctor. Efficiency in healthcare here we come!

Affordable Costs:

Most of these clinics accept a range insurance providers. Most importantly, their costs are much, much lower than what you would get charged at an emergency room or that of your family doctor for that matter. Typical prices range from $100-200 per visit. This makes it also highly ideal for patients who do not have medical insurance or have not yet met their high deductible. Therefore, the next time you have an illness pop up from nowhere, remember, head to your nearest urgent care center!

Urgent Cares are Innovating the Medical Field

In this day and age, there are many wonderful options available for medical care. Sometimes it difficult to decide if you need immediate medical care or whether you can wait and see your own family doctor the following day.

Most medical care clinics are fully equipped to take care of all your non-life threatening medical issues. You do not have to wait for hours like an emergency room or even your doctor’s office if he or she is over-booked. You don’t need any appointment, they accept most insurance providers and are great when it’s after hours. They are superior to other medical institutions in so many ways, and that is why they are taking the medical industry by storm!

If you have ever gone to Google and searched for best urgent care near me, Medical Care San Diego is here to help!


7634 Girard Ave Suite A • La Jolla, CA 92037 • (858) 412-6066

Clinic Hours: Monday – Friday: 9 AM – 6 PM | Saturday: 10 AM – 4 PM


Walk-In Clinic in San Diego vs Emergency Rooms

Are you looking for a walk-in clinic in San Diego? On a daily basis, during the day or night, emergency rooms are crowded with life-threatening as well as non-life threatening patients. Walk-in clinics play a very important role for taking non-life threatening illnesses or accidents, thereby easing up the number of patients going to the ER. Walk-in clinics offer quality care for patients so the staff members at emergency rooms can deal with serious conditions as was intended.

Should I Go To A Walk-in Clinic in San Diego?

If patients have medical conditions that are not life-threatening but need immediate attention, are the best choices.  Life-threatening conditions would include strokes, heart attacks and other conditions that need immediate, intensive care at an emergency room.

Urgent care facilities usually have the same equipment you would expect to find at your doctor’s office.  Some of these facilities also have x-ray equipment to examine fractures the same way as an emergency room.  The leading advantage for choosing a walk-in clinic, most of these facilities are open during the night, on weekends, and holidays.

Will I Have To Wait For Hours To Get Medical Assistance?

These facilities make it so much easier for someone to get the medical attention they require without waiting in long lines like an emergency room.  Emergency rooms have a chaotic atmosphere due to the level of life-threatening conditions where facilities are not quite so manic.

What If I Do Not Have Medical Insurance?

Walk-in clinics also provide care for patients who do not have insurance but are in dire need of medical attention.  Many of these facilities have payment plans in place to help the patient pay for the facility’s treatment.

How Our Facilities Are Different:

walk-in clinic in San DiegoThere are certain elements that separate walk-in and urgent care facilities from your doctor’s office or the ER.  A doctor’s office usually has set hours and you have to make an appointment.  If you need immediate care, some doctors will squeeze you in but you will still have a wait time or your will have to go to an emergency room.  Most urgent care facilities will give you the medical care you need right away and usually without an appointment.

In comparison to an emergency room, is the seriousness of the injury or illness.  Emergency rooms are set up to handle very serious conditions and operate on what is known as triage. Triage is a system where the most critical and serious conditions are treated first, then second, and third, etc.  If your condition is not life-threatening you will probably experience a very long wait before seeing a doctor.  Weekends are even more critical as the number of life-threatening situations seem to increase. If you are looking for a walk-in clinic in San Diego, MCSD is your number one choice! Visit us today!


7634 Girard Ave Suite A • La Jolla, CA 92037 • (858) 412-6066

Clinic Hours: Monday – Friday: 9 AM – 6 PM | Saturday: 10 AM – 4 PM


Fall Allergies in San Diego DO Exist

allergies in San DiegoTo many, Fall is the time for beautiful colored leaves on trees, clean, crisp air and the gateway to Winter.  To others, it’s the time of year for catching colds or the flu.  These people are gearing up by safeguarding themselves from bacteria, viruses and germs and getting flu shots. Allergies in San Diego DO exist!

Although it is considered a myth that cold weather leads to colds, it does lead to allergies.  You would think colder whether would mean fewer allergens such as pollen but that’s just not the case.  The facts are cold and flu symptoms can make it harder to detect allergies and not be able to treat as quickly.

How To Detect Allergies in San Diego:

Approximately 35 million people in the United States suffer from pollen allergies or hay fever.  Being difficult to detect is caused by the fact that allergies, flu viruses and colds offer the same symptoms such as sneezing, runny noses, coughing or an itchy nose and throat.  Some people will also develop dark circles under their eyes.

Is There A Way To Tell The Difference?

The symptoms of the flu or colds usually appear and disappear within a matter of days.  Allergies, on the other hand, appear immediately and can last for a very long time.  In some cases, the allergens stay with people throughout the entire year due to constant exposure.  Another difference, if you are running a fever you have a cold or the flu.


Allergies in San Diego treated with the proper medications.  It’s knowing how to identify where your symptoms are stemming from in order to make proper treatments.  Everyone gears up to prevent the flu or colds by taking proper measures ahead of time.  The same can be done to combat allergies.  In order to do so, you have to understand Fall allergens.

Protecting Yourself From Fall Allergens:


Certain outdoor allergens such as Ragweed are very prevalent in the fall and will send their pollen into the air continually.  Statistics show that one billion pollen spores are released into the air by one single plant.  That equals a huge 75% of reactions in people with allergies. Another outdoor enemy during the Fall is mold!  Mold can be found in corn maze, bales of hay and those beautiful piles of colored leaves.


If you believe you can avoid allergies in San Diego by staying indoors, you’re wrong!  An independent study revealed that indoor air is ten times more polluted than outdoor air!  There are many culprits indoors that people overlook.  Pet dander, dust mites and outdoor allergens that get in your hair and on your clothing.  Dirty air vents, other sources of dust, etc.

Allergens That Are Airborne:

It is common practice when the weather becomes cooler everyone opens their windows for that cool, fresh air.  Unfortunately, if you suffer from allergies you are letting Ragweed and other outdoor allergens directly into your home.  If you want to open your windows there are two approaches you can take.  Consider downloading an app to your devices or go to the Weather Channel’s website to get updates on allergy tracking and monitor the level of allergens.  The other, get with your doctor for their advice on allergy treatments.  There are many treatments that are over-the-counter that work very well.

Fall is a time of year that everyone wants to enjoy.  From watching leaves turn into glorious colors to looking forward to Halloween and Thanksgiving, you can enjoy all of these without suffering.  Find treatments that will keep your allergies at bay and learn the difference between the common cold and flu vs allergies. If you have any questions about allergies in San Diego, please visit our urgent care in San Diego today!


7634 Girard Ave Suite A • La Jolla, CA 92037 • (858) 412-6066

Clinic Hours: Monday – Friday: 9 AM – 6 PM | Saturday: 10 AM – 4 PM


Burns – An All Too Common Injury:

Burns are extremely painful. The sooner the treatment initiated, the better the results will be. This minimizes the chance of scarring and chronic pain. There are three types of burn injuries.

First degree burns:

This is a result of only the outer layer of the skin being affected. An example of this type of burn would be sunburn. Usually these are painful with redness and minimal swelling. Typically you need no treatment except for Aloe Vera gel, Motrin or Tylenol. These injuries heal within a few days with no complications.

Second degree burn:

These are injuries that cause more redness, pain, swelling and in addition blistering of the skin. These are a result of the outer and the middle layers of the skin being affected. These injuries require medical attention. If not treated appropriately they end up with infection, scarring and prolonged healing periods. Here at our clinic, our trained staff will help clean the burns, apply antibiotic ointment or cream and dress up the wounds. A Tetanus shot will be given if immunization is not up to date. A prescription might also be given for pain relief. Follow up of these wounds is very important, as they do require frequent dressing changes. These also avoid the potential for complications, as our staff is always on the lookout for them and are well versed in these injuries.

Third degree burns:

The full thickness of the skin is affected and might in addition include the deeper layers such as, the fatty layer, muscle and even bone. If only a small area is involved then these can be treated at an urgent care facility or a doctor’s office. If not, these are best treated at a specialized burn center. These injuries are severe and need immediate medical attention, especially if they cover a large area. Pain is usually severe and the skin generally looks white or charred in color. These injuries may require prolonged treatment and even skin grafting. The potential for infection, scarring and other complications is great. If not sure where to take the patient after such injury, one should immediately call a medical facility, describe the burn injury and get instructions.

The most important thing to know is that large second degree burns and usually all third degree burns need immediate medical treatment. Our clinic is ready to help you with injuries that can be treated at a medical clinic.

Here at Medical Care San Diego we are happy to answer any of your questions. Dr. Mann is well versed in burn wound care and has gone through extensive training in burn injuries and management.